Two Knotty Knitters hard at work.
Members of the Knotty Knitters, a newly formed knitting club at St Colmanell’s parish, Ahoghill, have been busy knitting hats and scarves for the Mission to Seafarers and Twiddle Mitts for patients with dementia.
The mitts provide something patients can hold and ‘twiddle’ with, helping to reduce anxiety and promote calm. They are simple knitted cuffs to which a range of items, including ribbons, buttons or beads, can be stitched, providing activity for patients.
The Knotty Knitters recently raised £2,000 through knitting for the parish building fund.
Twiddle mitts which help ease anxiety for dementia patients.
If anyone would like more information on the twiddle mitts please contact the rector, the Rev Gary Millar, who admits he doesn’t actually know how to make them, but would pass the query on to one of the Knotty Knitters who certainly do!
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