Introduction of the Rev Canon James Carson by Bishop Alan Abernethy. The Rev John McClure is also in the photo. Picture by Norman Briggs.
The Rev Canon James Carson was introduced as Minister-in-Charge of the Lower Shankill Team Ministry at a service which spanned two churches on Sunday March 13.
The service got underway in St Stephen’s Parish Church, Millfield, at 3pm, and mid-way through clergy and the congregation all walked the short distance to St Michael’s Parish Church.
A large congregation of parishioners, family and friends heard Canon Carson introduced in both churches by the Bishop of Connor, the Rt Rev Alan Abernethy.
During the service Canon Carson’s daughters Emma and Lisa sang a duet. The sermon was preached in St Stephen’s by the Bishop.
The ‘parade,’ which followed the footpath, proved quite an eye catching sight as some of our photos reveal.
Thanks to Norman Briggs for images from the day.
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