A hospital visitors’ training course, run in partnership by the NI Healthcare Chaplains’ Association and Edgehill College, will commence on Thursday September 29.
This is an opportunity for people who may wish to work as volunteer visitors alongside our Hospital Chaplains.
The course will run on Thursdays from 7.30-9.30pm at Edgehill College, Belfast, from September 29 until December 8, with half-term break on November 3. It is aimed at lay people who are interested in hospital visitation, either within the local church context or within a chaplaincy context, or who already visit hospitals as part of their church responsibilities.
For further information and an application form contact:
Mrs Kay Irvine, College Administrator,
Edgehill Theological College,
9 Lennoxvale,
Email: kirvine@edgehillcollege.org
Tel. (028) 9068 6938
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