During Advent, the charity Habitat for Humanity is sharing reflections by Habitat supporters. One of the contributors is Isobel Kerr, manager of the Habitat ReStore in Ballymena.
Isobel is an active member of Craig’s Parish where she teaches Sunday school. Habitat’s ReStores in Lisburn and Ballymena sell donated new and used building and home improvement materials, enabling local families to improve their homes low-cost and providing volunteer opportunities for people of all ages and backgrounds.
You can read Isobel’s Advent Reflection below:
Being more like Mary
“For with God nothing shall be impossible” (Luke 1:37)
As we approach the Festive Season and are soon to partake in the celebrations of Jesus’ birth, I often find that I can get caught up in the busyness of the season and not the reason for the season.
I like a good list – it helps me to prioritise and get everything done. However, in the run up to Christmas I can become fixated on my many lists: shopping list, present list, to do list, to name only a few.
It can become very stressful, with the focus being on everything being perfect – perfect home decorations, perfect presents for family and friends, perfect children’s presentation in church the Sunday before Christmas Day, perfect Christmas dinner with the turkey cooked just right.
Sometimes, and I dare to say it, the reason for the celebration is forgotten – placed at the back of our minds.
Mary’s preparations
However, if I place myself in Mary’s shoes – her preparations are very different. She was greeted by an Angel (which I can honestly say would have terrified me and made me question my sanity) who told her she was going to have a baby, even though, as she told the Angel: “How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?” (Luke 1:34).
Mary must have been afraid and confused, however she chose to believe what the Angel told her and, more importantly, she believed that, “For with God nothing shall be impossible”. (Luke 1:37) She did not stress or worry about the impending event. She put her trust in God.
In our daily lives we need to have more faith and trust God with important events in our lives.
Still relevant today
Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities, and hope. As everyone does, sometimes in Habitat we receive disappointing news or are sidelined from a project. We need to hold firmly to the words of the Angel, as Mary did. These words are as relevant today as they were to Mary. Our God is an awesome God who can make the impossible, possible.
This year as I approach Christmas, I intend to have a more Christ centric approach. Less stress, more time with God. I want to discover his plans for me and my journey with Habitat for Humanity. I fully intend to be more like Mary.
Dear God, thank you for reminding us of Mary’s faith and trust in you. As we seek to be more like Mary, we pray that you will guide us in our daily lives and direct our paths to do your will. Amen.
Read more Advent Reflections from Habitat NI here.
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