Members of St Patrick’s, Broughshane, Mothers’ Union Branch have had a busy few months.
Their October meeting took the form of a Project Night. As a branch, members put together 45 wash bags for adults and 80 colouring packs for young people and these were distributed between The Rowan Centre, Paediatric A&E, A2 Paediatric Ward, Adult A&E and the Short Stay Ward in Antrim Area Hospital.
Some talented ladies knitted nine blankets, 16 cardigans and 35 hats for the Premature Baby Unit also in Antrim Area Hospital. Just before Christmas four members, Wendy Halligan (Branch Chair), Geraldine Ramsey (Branch Secretary), Mina Lynn and Alison Campbell distributed the gifts to the various units and wards.
Wendy said: “Despite all the staff being very obviously under pressure working with the patients in their care they took a few minutes to speak to the representatives from our branch to express their deep appreciation for gifts which will go a long way to helping make the patients stay in hospital a little bit easier.
“This was a tremendous effort from all the ladies and as it was such a success we are planning to have another Projects Evening later this year. We look forward to another evening of fun and fellowship.”
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