A team from Christ Church Parish, Lisburn, will be travelling to Uganda in February to visit St Apollo School, Kasizi, in the Diocese of Luwero.
This will be the third time a team from the parish has been out to the school with the charity Fields of Life.
The team is made up of the rector of Christ Church, the Rev Paul Dundas, along with Audrey Knowles, Jane Marks, Beth Harris, Beverley Ringland, Roberta Thompson, Janice Thompson, Richard Thompson, Raymond Geddis, Gary Knowles and Johnston Boyle.
They will leave Dublin for Uganda on Saturday February 11, travelling via Addis Ababa in Ethiopia and arriving on the Sunday afternoon to continue their journey to Luwero.
They will be based in the Diocesan Guesthouse and will be at St Apollo School from Monday February 13 until Friday February 24.
St Apollo School was established in 2007, but had only one small building and held many classes under trees. Christ Church Parish raised £75,000 and in partnership with Fields of Life two new blocks of classrooms were built. A team visited in 2012 to work on the classrooms. The parish continued to support the school and raised more than £24,000 for a staff residence which they helped complete on their last trip in 2015 (see Connor Connections report).
During their visit next month, the team will be doing practical work as well as RE lessons on the life of Jesus, sport’s days and women’s work.
They will attend a diocesan seminar for 60 leaders on Saturday February 18, when Paul will speak on the book of Ephesians. The Bishop of Luwero, the Rt Revd Eridard Kironde Nsubuga, will be at the seminar.
Sunday worship on February 19 will be with the Church Community at St Apollo where Paul will preach, and on Wednesdays the 15th and 22nd, the women in the Christ Church team will have fellowship with the Esther group that meets at the Cathedral – at 7am!
During its time in Luwero, the team is hoping to meet up with James and Charles, theological students who are supported by the parish
After a celebration at St Apollo School on Friday February 24, the team leaves the following day for the flights back to Dublin, again via Ethiopia.
Your prayers are requested as the members prepare for their trip.
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