Busy preparing and serving breakfasts at the Big Breakfast & Craft Fair at St Columba’s, Derryvolgie, are L to R: Stewart Gavin, Rhona Gavin, Valerie Scott, Hannah Perry, Margaret Perry, Lynn Perry and Lyn Dobbin.
A Big Breakfast & Craft Fair was held at St Columba’s, Derryvolgie Parish on Saturday February 4.
Organised by the parish Events Committee, the day was aimed at raising funds for the church as well as encouraging the community to come together for some fun and fellowship.
Everyone who attended enjoyed a cooked breakfast and had the chance to pick up some bargains at the various stalls, which included toys, books, gifts, cakes and, new for this year – an extensive range of hand crafted items including jewellery and cosmetic.
The committee wishes to thank Laura Coburn for bringing the crafters together and extends a special thanks to the local community and all who supported the fundraising event.
Report and pictures by John Kelly
Heather Reynolds and Iris Wilson pictured tucking into a low calorie fry-up at the Big Breakfast & Craft Fair at St Columba’s, Derryvolgie!
Chris Barr, Brendon Kane, James May and David Pedlow pictured on car parking duties at the Big Breakfast & Craft Fair at St Columba’s, Derryvolgie.
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