Young people who will have completed Year 11 at school by July this year are invited to sign up for Connor Youth Council’s local missional opportunity within the diocese!
Streetreach will run from Tuesday July 4 to Friday July 7. This year Connor Youth Council will be partnering with Glenavy Parish for Streetreach. The cost is £25 with an additional fundraising suggestion.
Connor Youth Council welcomes applications from young people to take part in this special experience within the Diocese.
Streetreach seeks to provide young people with an opportunity to grow in their own faith, having experience of practical discipleship and connect with the diocesan community.
Download an application and information form. Application forms for those aged over 18 will shortly be available.
If you could like any further information about this exciting opportunity please contact Christina Baillie, Diocesan Youth Officer, on 07753 312405 or email:
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