Recounting the mysterious adventures of St Patrick in a very dramatic way are, from left: Lynne Gibson, Aimee Gibson, Stephen Whitten, the Rev Isobel Hawthorne-Steel, Victoria Jackson and, front, Andrew Neill.
The adventure has begun at St Anne’s Cathedral as local schoolchildren explore Connor Children’s Council’s exhibition and interactive trail telling the story of St Patrick.
Pupils from eight inner Belfast primary schools will attend ‘Patrick’s Mysterious Adventure’ over the first two days of the event, and it will be open to the public on Friday and Saturday, with a closing service at 3.30pm on Sunday.
First to experience Patrick’s adventures were children from Blythefield Primary School and Harmony Primary School, while Forthriver, Springhill, Sacred Heart Boys, Black Mountain, St Mary’s and Cliftonville Integrated primary schools will all be taking in the tale.
Bringing the story to life are members of the Play It By Ear Christian drama group, members of the children’s council and others with a talent for telling a great story!
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