The Bishop of Connor, the Rt Rev Alan Abernethy, opened his 2017 Lent Seminar series in Dunluce Parish Centre, Bushmills, on Tuesday March 21.
His theme was Stewards of Creation, and the Bishop will deliver this talk at Lisburn Cathedral on March 29 and at Jordanstown Parish Centre on April 3.
The Talk in Bushmills was attended by more than 110 people from parishes in the Archdeaconry of Dalriada, and the Bishop was welcomed by the Rev Canon George Graham, rector of Dunluce Parish.
Bishop Alan said: “My annual talks are not just about me coming to do something I love, which is teaching, but they are about us getting together, meeting outside of parish contexts and having a chance to share and encourage each other.”
Bishop Alan explained that while he was no scientist, God’s people have a duty to look after God’s creation. In his talk he discussed the church’s theology in terms of God’s creation, what is our responsibility as children of God, and looked at the issues of concern and how people can make a difference.
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