Nyamuot Joak and her 12 month old daughter Nyayiena Gatkuoth who has been diagnosed with Severe Acute Malnutrition. Nyamout walked an hour to a clinic in Unity State, South Sudan, for treatment for her sick baby. Photo: Christian Aid.
In an urgent response to the crisis in East Africa, the Church of Ireland Bishops’ Appeal has launched an emergency appeal to raise funds for Christian Aid and Tearfund, who are working with partners in the region to provide urgently needed humanitarian assistance.
The Bishops’ Appeal is asking for contributions from parishes and individuals throughout the island of Ireland to help with the disaster relief efforts.
The Rt Rev Patrick Rooke, Chairperson of Bishops’ Appeal, said: “Hunger on a massive scale is looming across South Sudan, northern Nigeria, Somalia and Yemen, as a combination of drought and conflict has left nearly 20 million people without enough food to feed themselves.
“Kenya and Ethiopia are also on the verge of crisis, with millions in need of humanitarian assistance. Across these countries, people are in critical need of food, water and health support with women and children suffering the most. The United Nations has referred to this as the worst humanitarian crisis since 1945, and we cannot stand by and allow the suffering to continue.”
Parish and individual donations are encouraged and greatly appreciated at this time. Dates for parish responses can be chosen locally over the coming weeks with proceeds sent to: Bishops’ Appeal, Church of Ireland House, Church Avenue, Rathmines, Dublin 6.
Donations can also be made online at https://store.ireland.anglican.org/donations. Queries from parishes should be directed to Bishops’ Appeal diocesan representatives or to the Education Advisor, Alexandra Reihill, at bishopsappeal@ireland.anglican.org
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