Youth Forum members Catherine and Ciaran who attended Diocesan Council with Connor Youth Officer Christina Baillie.
In the space of three days, members of Connor Youth Forum shared their vision with Connor Diocesan Council and then ran an event for a large number of young people.
On Thursday March 23, Youth Forum members Catherine and Ciaran shared eloquently with the Diocesan Council. They spoke about the importance of Youth Forum, inviting new members from parishes across the diocese and demonstrating that there are young people in the diocese willing to serve.
They highlighted opportunities which Youth Council events have given them as individuals leading to development in their faith as well as helping them make connections with other young people.
Christina Baillie, Diocesan Youth Officer, attended and said: “We really appreciate Catherine and Ciaran coming along to share with the Diocesan Council how the youth activities within the diocese have impacted them as young people.
“We also want to thank the young people from Lisburn Cathedral and the Parishes of the Lower Shankill for contributing to a video which was played, outlining their engagement with events the Youth Council has organised. I sincerely appreciate the Diocesan Council engaging with what is on offer for young people and its continuing support.”
On Saturday March 25 the whole of Connor Youth Forum hosted an event in Jordanstown for other young people in the diocese to lead them through sessions, activities and share dinner.
Matthew Cairns was among the young people who attended. Here he writes about his experience:
“When we arrived we had the hard choice between quite a few seminars. The decision was difficult with a range of seminars from amazing speakers as well as talented members of the Connor Youth Forum to choose from.
“The first seminar I chose was about stereotypes, and the second was around temptations, both of these were brilliant and very relevant to us all.
“Then, probably my favourite part, the Freakshakes. Milkshakes topped with 1,000,000 calories, meanwhile football was happening outside which was great fun! After that we all sat and awaited the arrival of Sharon Hamill’s famous curry.
“When we’d finished, we set off on an adventure to find out as much as we could about the building we were in, only to come back and do a quiz on it, unfortunately our team came out last but I guess we tried and it’s the taking part that counts…
“On to the end of the day and our final session: Identity, girls and guys with Graham Hare. This was probably my favourite session, an opportunity to ask questions and break off into groups to have a discussion about things we rarely get the opportunity talk about. On the whole it was a fantastic event!”
Christina said: “We would like to thank all the young people involved in this incredible event, from the audio visuals to prayers, from introductions to biblical sessions, from hospitality to registration, it has been all thought through and planned by young people.
“Thank you also to our adult contributors, Phil Howe, Graham Hare, Sam Neill, Stephen Whitten, Simon Henry and to Sharon Hamill for providing dinner.”
If you would like any more information about Connor Youth Forum please contact Christina at or 07753 312405.
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