The Church of Ireland Gazette has announced the appointment of the Rev Earl Storey, as Editor. He will take up the post on June 1 as successor to the Rev Canon Ian Ellis who is stepping down from his 16-year tenure with the Gazette.
Earl was ordained in 1982 and has served as rector in parishes in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. He has more than 30 years’ experience, including communications and publishing.
The newly appointed Editor will not only build on the legacy of the Gazette, but will also be able to bring his unique combination of communications skills and experience of wider church matters to the role. He will be working closely with a new Editorial Advisory Committee which is tasked with supporting the Editor in developing a fresh vision for a vibrant modern journal, designed to appeal to readers of all ages and interests.
The Chairman of Church of Ireland Press Ltd, the Rev Canon John R Auchmuty, said: “I am delighted to welcome the Rev Earl Storey as the new Editor of the Gazette. He brings many personal, professional, and spiritual gifts along with immense experience of our church in both jurisdictions to the Gazette as Editor.
“The Gazette has an important role to keep our church family connected one to another and now needs to explore new ways to provide support, blessing and encouragement to its current readers and new subscribers through its pages. The Rev Earl Storey brings both a fresh vision and enthusiasm to the Gazette and I wish him God’s richest blessing in his work.”
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