The Bishop of Connor, the Rt Rev Alan Abernethy, is encouraging people to sign up to Thy Kingdom Come, a global prayer movement initiated by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York.
Bishop Alan is supporting Pledge2Pray, an international and ecumenical call to prayer.
In response to an invite from Lambeth Palace to support this initiative, Bishop Alan was pictured praying with a candle, and this will be shared on social media, part of an online Prayer Wall.
The Kingdom Come invites Christians around the world to pray between Ascension and Pentecost for more people to come to know Jesus Christ.
It began with the two Archbishops in 2016, and has been picked up by Anglicans around the world from Cuba to Hong Kong and Canada to Melbourne. There has also been great ecumenical interest including from the Coptic Orthodox Church, the Roman Catholic and Methodist Churches and some of Pentecostal Churches.
Bishop Alan is encouraging people across Connor Diocese to sign up to the website, details below, and pledge2pray.
All information is available at
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