Peter from Broughshane celebrates winning the big maze challenge in Castlewellan on Saturday afternoon.
More than 100 young people and leaders took part in the annual Connor takes the Castle weekend in Castlewellan Castle from September 8-10.
This year Play It By Ear, the Christian drama group, led sessions guiding the young people through what it means to encounter God, encouraging them to think about personal prayer, exploring the Bible and living in community with other believers as young Anglicans.
Chris Neilands and Ross Jonas who make up Play It By Ear enthusiastically performed some dramas as well as teaching God’s truth from their own experiences. The young people had opportunities to discuss issues in their groups and ask questions together.
Diocesan Youth Officer Christina Baillie said: “We were led in our singing by the band Wildfire for most of the weekend and Lee Boal and friends for the Friday night, with great opportunities to sing praise to God throughout.”
Christina said young people had been involved in lots of aspects of the weekend, from Matthew running all visuals and audio, to Sara, Giselle and Sophie hosting an hour as a Connor Youth Forum takeover!
There were also young people leading prayers, reading the Bible and much more.
On Saturday afternoon the young people took part in a massive maze challenge, overcoming the ‘camouflaged conflictors’ to take victory! Earlier in the day they prepared their own dramas for the Connor’s Got Talent event and finished off the evening raving in the cellar with Billy Fyffe DJ-ing until late.
Christina said: “Connor Youth Council would like to thank all the groups for coming and making the weekend so special.
“To all the young people, thank you! To all the leaders, thank you! To all the vestries and clergy who supported the groups coming, thank you!”
Enjoy the photo album below (click on thumbnail for larger image). There are more photos on the Engage Connor Youth Facebook page.
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