The Dean of Connor, the Very Rev Sam Wright (front left) and the rector of Christ Church, Lisburn, the Rev Paul Dundas, (front right). Dean Wright will preach at a service on Sunday November 19 as part of Christ Church’s 175th anniversary celebrations.
Christ Church Parish, Lisburn, celebrates 175 years as a church on Monday November 20.
In this year of celebration the parish has already experienced many blessings through a third parish team visiting its link school at St Apollo in Uganda, the summer kids’ Bible Club and the Harvest Thanksgiving supporting the Lisburn Foodbank and the Diocese of Luwero in Uganda.
Preparing for the weekend of celebrations in November the parish hosted a breakfast on Saturday October 21 in the parish hall, with guest speaker Ian Stewart, principal of Central Primary School, speaking on the theme of ‘dependence on God.’ A sponsored walk in Moira Demesne had been planned for that afternoon but was cancelled because of storm Brian.
On Friday November 17 parishioners will gather for a Celebration Meal at 7.30pm in the Hall with the Bishop of Connor, the Rt Rev Alan Abernethy, as special guest.
The evening will see the launch of a book celebrating God’s faithfulness and the witness of the parish in proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This book will reflect the history of the parish and memories of parishioners and clergy.
As part of the evening, memorabilia, photographs and parish organisations’ ‘stories’ to celebrate the 175 years will be on display.
On Sunday November 19 there will be a Celebration party at 10.30am with the parish children’s and youth organisations gathering for worship and refreshments afterwards. The speaker is Jill Hamilton, Children’s Project Development Officer for Connor Diocese.
The evening celebration will be attended by former clergy and parishioners, community leaders and invited guests as Christ Church Parish reflects on the 175 years and looks forward in faith to what the Lord has in store. The preacher is The Very Rev Sam Wright, Dean of Connor and rector of Lisburn Cathedral. The parish choir and men’s choir will lead the worship.
At worship over the anniversary weekend there will be a Thanks Offering for the following causes as agreed by the Select Vestry:
The rector, the Rev Paul Dundas said: “November will be a ‘season’ to look back over 175 years, but also to celebrate all that the Lord is doing as the parish continues to be a witness for the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the city and community of Lisburn.”
Further details of these events and services can be accessed through the Parish Office on 028 92 673271 or by email
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