Diocesan Children’s Officer Jill Hamilton, third from left, receives items for Baby Basics from young member of JAM and their leaders in Magheragall Parish Church.
Young members of the JAM Group in Magheragall Parish Church put their faith into action when they became involved in the Baby Basics project.
JAM is a group of young people in Year 8 to Year 11. During November and December they utilised a resource called ‘The Justice Sessions,’ a five-part study sponsored by the Church of Ireland Youth Department.
Having enjoyed this great resource, the teenagers followed up this bible study course in Justice by supporting Baby Basics, linking helping mums and babies with the justice issues.
Baby Basics is a volunteer-led project aiming to support new mothers and families who are struggling to meet the financial and practical burden of looking after a new baby. In Connor it is run by the north Belfast Centre of Mission, Connect Base.
During December, the young people collected items for baby Basics and on Sunday January 7, Connor Children’s Officer Jill Hamilton, who works from Connect Base, paid a visit.
Several of the girls were in church to hear Jill speak about Baby Basics and to hand over their items.
The rector of Magheragall, the Rev Nicholas Dark, said: “The church as a whole was very interested and challenged to help in the future, thanks to the JAM group, they have encouraged the parish to take on the project later in the year.”
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