Members of Lambeg Mothers’ Union recently delivered 93 wash bags to the Royal Victoria Hospital Accident and Emergency Department.
The Lambeg branch project rep Angela Bennett collected the items. “People are very kind and generous when they know what we need to make up the wash bags,” she said.
Angela and Muriel Abernethy, branch secretary, organised a branch evening meeting which members spent making up the wash bags. Six items are placed in each bag including toothpaste, a toothbrush, soap and a facecloth, a comb and a packet of tissues. A prayer card is also added to each wash bag. Muriel said she hoped that the branch could spend another evening making up more wash bags.
Sister Olivia Wilson and Dr Phil O’Connor met the members at the A&E Department. Olivia said they were delighted to receive the wash bags and explained that some will stay in the main A&E Department and some will go to the 12 hour ward. She said people who arrive at A&E and who find themselves staying in hospital are often unprepared for even a short stay.
Olivia thanked the members and said the wash bags were a great help and support to their work at the RVH.
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