Taking part in the joint programme of events for Holy Week in Larne are, from left: The Rev Philip Benson, curate, Larne and Inver with Glynn and Raloo; Christina Baillie, Connor Youth Officer, and the Rev Colin McClure, First Larne Presbyterian.
St Cedma’s, Larne, joined with its neighbour First Larne Presbyterian Church for a series of joint services and activities during Holy Week.
The venture was supported by Connor Youth Officer Christina Baillie, who spoke at the evening services on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Christina’s theme was the ‘Mystery of Holy Week.’
On Maundy Thursday, the Rev Philip Benson, curate of Larne, presided at Holy Communion and the Rev Colin McClure, minister at First Larne Presbyterian, preached.
During the days of Holy Week, there were a series of reflections on Jesus’ life and ministry, after which light lunches were provided, and the churches raised more than £500 for Christian Aid.
Philip said: “It was a very successful week and the feedback from both congregations was great. We hope that next year it will take place again and that other local churches would also join in with us to further deepen the positive relationships already existing across the town between local Christians.”
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