Summer is on its way and that means Connor Youth Council’s Streetreach, hosted for a second year by Glenavy Parish, is just round the corner!
Streetreach partners with a parish within the diocese for two years, offering an opportunity for young people to serve in a local parish for a missional experience.
It takes place after Summer Madness each year and involves a team of 50-60 young people and leaders, including a group of young Americans from Christ In Youth.
The Streetreach organising team is now seeking expressions of interest from parishes who would be open to hosting Streetreach for 2019 and 2020.
Any parish interested in hosting this fantastic initiative for young people is asked to complete the expression of interest form by Friday October 12 2018.
If you think this might be possible in your parish but are unsure, please contact Christina Baillie, Diocesan Youth Officer, for more information or to explore what it would look like for your parish to host Streetreach. You can contact Christina Baillie by email on
Parishes interested in applying are also more than welcome to Streetreach in Glenavy and Crumlin this summer to get a flavour of what Streetreach could look like in their context – please contact Christina to organise this.
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