Connor Children’s Project Development Officer Jill Hamilton travelled to Agherton Parish on Pentecost Sunday, May 20, to collect donations for the Baby Basics initiative.
Baby Basics is a project run by Connor’s Centre of Mission based in the Connect Base, Shankill Road, Belfast, and Agherton is the latest Connor parish to rise to the Baby Basics’ four-week challenge
The rector, the Rev Canon Stephen Fielding, encouraged the congregation to take part in the challenge which involves buying a few extra items along with the weekly shop; items like baby equipment, toiletries and baby clothes, and then bringing them along to church over a period of four weeks.
The final date for the collection at Agherton was Pentecost Sunday, and as the congregation focused on Pentecost and the birth of the church, it was a fitting way to mark this special date by handing over their donations to Baby Basics. The project gives assistance to families who have just had a new birth of their own.
Jill was invited to speak at the service about Baby Basics Belfast and share some stories about the families who are being supported through the project before receiving the items collected by the parish.
“They are a very welcome addition to the Baby Basics store of resources,” Jill said. “These items don’t stay in storage for long as Baby Basics Belfast is proving to be a very well used resource. Local health professionals and charity workers working with vulnerable families refer their clients to Baby Basics Belfast and the number of referrals each month is growing.”
Last year the project supported 53 families and so far this year, more than 60 families have received Baby Basics packs. Jill added:
“It is always a great encouragement when a church in the diocese supports the initiative by taking part in our four-week challenge. Without the generosity of churches Baby Basics would not be able to continue to support needy families in the Belfast area.”
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