Pastor Hendrik Hoeré, Pastor of the Abrigio Del Altimisso (Shelter of the Most High), Cali, Colombia, makes a return visit to Northern Ireland this month.
Hendrik is Dutch. He attended Bible College in England. Without knowing anything about Colombia, Hendrik felt called to go and work there. That was almost 30 years ago.
He last visited Northern Ireland in 2008, when he spoke in a number of churches including St Anne’s Cathedral, Belfast, and St George’s, High Street, Belfast.
His visit is facilitated by interdenominational Divine Healing Ministries, who have worked with Hendrik over the years, with a number of teams from Northern Ireland visiting Colombia.
On this trip, Hendrik will be accompanied by a team from Colombia.
He will speak at the 1pm healing service at St George’s and the 8pm healing service in St Anne’s Cathedral on Monday June 18.
The following day he will address the 8pm service in St Finnian’s Church, Cregagh.
This visit will help a Divine Healing Ministries team plan a visit Bolivia in October 2018.
A warm welcome is extended to anyone who may be interested in attending any of the services.
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