Celebrating Mary Sumner Day in Craigs Parish Church are the Rev Adrian Halligan with Connor MU representatives Wendy Halligan, Valerie Ash (Diocesan President) and Joyce Bond.
A Mothers’ Union service to celebrate Mary Sumner Day was held in Craig’s Parish Church on Thursday August 9.
The service was organised by Connor Mothers’ Union Faith & Policy Unit, and was led by the Rev Adrian Halligan, Curate-in-Charge.
Adrian gave a thought-provoking sermon about Mary Sumner and all her work, and spoke about the principles of MULOA (Mothers’ Union Listening, Observing, Acting).
Items featured at the service included a trauma teddy, a MULOA booklet, a ribbon for the campaign for 16 days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, and a Mary Sumner booklet.
Following Holy Communion the large crowd retired to the church hall for supper.
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