Affirm, a new project to support young people going through difficulty, is being launched in Connor Diocese.
The project will develop greater access to support for young people and provide training for leaders within local parishes
It will make use of local expertise through different established organisations, specifically The Big House, who seek to support young people experiencing difficulties with a Christian perspective.
The project will incorporate residentials, youth sessions in parishes, training for leaders and a resource developed by The Big House and Diocesan Youth Officer, Christina Baillie.
Christina said:
“Young people across the diocese experience such a range of difficult issues as they grow and develop, and we want to assure them that the church is a safe place to be heard and belong.
“This project provides an opportunity through funding from the Church of Ireland Priorities Fund to support young people locally where they are known and cared for, communicating who God is through truth they can relate to.”
Christina added: “I would love to see as many parishes as possible connecting and making use of the project within their own context.”
For more information, please contact Christina on or 07753 312405.
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