A video by St Paul’s Parish Church, Lisburn, starring the entire church community singing along to Rend Collective’s ‘My Lighthouse,’ has become something of an internet sensation!
The video, which features all those who play a role in the church or attend its different clubs and societies, hit over 16k views on Facebook over the Christmas period – and is now up to more than 17K!
Everyone has got involved – the rector, the Rev Arthur Young; the ministry team; the Knitwits, with their needles tapping in time; the catering team waving their ladles; the choir; the praise band; the ramblers; the bowlers; the Evergreens; the ladies badminton players raising their racquets; the Church Lads’ and Girls’ Brigade; Lots of Tots dancing along; the Select Vestry; the Mothers’ Union; those who attend the community lunch; the youth fellowship; the cleaning team shaking their dusters; the mission committee; Bible study group; youth club; Sunday School boppers and even the photographer and car washers!
And judging by the video, everyone involved in this fantastic parish initiative had great fun. Congratulations St Paul’s, Lisburn!
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