At the CMSI recommissioning service on January 10 are, back row from left: The Rev William Odling-Smee, the Rev Adrian Dorrian, the Rev William Jeffrey, the Rev Roger Thompson. Front row, from left: Lyn Scott, Keith Scott, Jenny Smyth, CMSI Mission Director, and Gillian Maganda.
On Thursday evening CMS Ireland, in conjunction with St George’s Parish, Belfast, hosted a recommissioning event for mission partners Keith and Lyn Scott, serving in Northern Zambia.
Keith worked in ministry in Northern Ireland before leaving for Africa in 2002. He spent three years in St Matthew’s Parish, Shankhill Road, and 14 in the Glens of Antrim.
Keith is now part of the teaching staff at St John’s Theological Seminary, Kitwe, and is involved in ministry in local parishes around Kitwe. Lyn teaches English at the college as well as helping develop study and preaching skills. She’s also involved with the local Mothers’ Union.
The couple will return to Zambia on January 21 for their second term of overseas service.
CMSI urged everyone to pray for the Scotts to know God’s enabling power and protection as their time in Ireland draws to a close, and thanked everyone who came along and supported Keith and Lyn on Thursday.
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