Nearly 100 people attended ‘Lessons from Rwanda,’ a 4 Corners Festival event hosted by St Stephen’s Parish Church, Millfield, on February 7.
The annual Festival, running from January 30-February 10, is made up of innovative events designed to entice people out of their own ‘corners’ of Belfast City and into new places where they will encounter new perspectives, new ideas and new friends. This year’s theme is ‘Scandalous forgiveness.’
‘Lessons from Rwanda’ was a sobering discussion on possible lessons people in Northern Ireland may take from how Rwandans have responded to the genocide of around one million people, mainly of Tutsi by the Hutu majority government in 1994.
The event was a joint project of the 4 Corners Festival and Thrive Ireland led by its director, Diane Holt.
Diane was one of three speakers, along with Derek Poole, the author of a Thrive Ireland / Contemporary Christianity study guide to Rwanda, and Rev Dr Lesley Carroll, who visited Rwanda in 2013.
A full report on the Lessons from Rwanda event can be read on the 4 Corners Festival website.
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