On Thursday March 21 a cohort of Connor Diocesan Readers met for the latest ongoing training module.
The Rev Berry Forde, Church of Ireland Chaplain at Queen’s University, Belfast, spoke on the theme ‘The Diocesan Reader and Mission.’
The seminar focused on each being the image bearer of God, equipping others to be the image bearers of God wherever they find themselves and to whomever they are speaking.
The evening was hosted by the Diocesan Warden of Readers, the Rev Kevin Graham, who thanked the Rector and Select Vestry of St John’s, Malone, for providing the Hall for the gathering. The next seminar will be on liturgy on a date yet to be arranged.
Kevin said:
“For all of us attaining maturity in faith and becoming more like Christ is a lifelong exercise. Not least then, those of us involved in authorised ministries, ordained or otherwise, must also participate in lifelong learning so that we may have integrity in our ministries and remain skilled at our work.
“To this end I feel it is incumbent upon me as Warden to facilitate opportunities for our Diocesan Readers in their lifelong faith and ministry.”
Plans are also being laid for future engagement with Parish Readers.
Any enquiries concerning Diocesan Reader ministry should be directed to the Warden via Incumbents.
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