Fourteen young leaders from five parishes graduated from the SERVE leadership course at a special ceremony on November 19.
The SERVE course, developed by Tim Burns, Diocesan Youth Officer for Down and Dromore, was run over eight sessions by Christina Baillie, Connor Youth Officer, the Rev Philip Benson, Lesley Donaldson and Stephen Whitten.
The course guided the young people in biblical leadership, exploring their gifts and how they can lead now as young people in their parishes.
The graduation, held in St Stephen’s Parish Church, Belfast, was a great opportunity for the young people to showcase all they have learnt – with parents, friends and clergy present to celebrate with them.
The Ven Stephen McBride, Bishop’s Commissary, commended the young people for their commitment to the course.
The young people led worship, prayed, read and shared some of the highlights and challenges of the course.
Euan spoke about the book ‘Storylines,’ which the group has been reading, sharing some of the more baffling questions that have come up as the group discussed a chapter each week.
Stuart, Alex and Sophie shared about the impact of preparing a five minute talk about their faith, which they then presented to others in the group.
Christina Baillie said: “Huge congratulations to the young people who graduated from SERVE. It has been a pleasure to see each of you grow in your leadership and you are each a blessing to your parishes. Thank you to Archeadon McBride for coming and encouraging the young people in their achievement. Thank you to the Rev Jim Carson and Heather Carson along with St Stephen’s Parish for hosting us and providing dinner.”
Christina continued: “We are really expectant about the impact this course will have on the lives of the young people involved and their parishes.”
There was great feedback on SERVE from the young people who took part:
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