A Service of Baptism and Confirmation was held in St John’s, Ballyclare, on Sunday November 17.
The 10 young people had all been led through the Youth Alpha course by Dianne Hamilton, Families, Youth and Children’s Associate with the Parish of Ballynure and Ballyeaston, and her husband Luke.
The church was packed for the service which was led by Bishop Ken Clarke. He spoke on 1 Timothy 4 and the need to take care of our spiritual fitness, our focus and to finish the race. Two of the young people were also baptised at the service by the rector, the Rev Johnny Campbell-Smyth. “It was very special to have their dads assisting me with the baptisms,” Johnny said.
After the service everyone enjoyed a celebration pudding party in the church hall. All 10 young people were treated with their favourite meals which they were served at the top table.
Following their Confirmation, all these young people will continue to meet through the week for discipleship and training.
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