Ryan Moffett, from the Uplift Performing Arts Company, with some of the young people who took part in ‘Musicals that matter.’
‘Musicals that Matter’ formed the focus of a mental health for young people initiative organised by Holy Trinity Parish Church, Woodburn, Carrickfergus.
Ryan Moffett, from the Uplift Performing Arts Company, used songs from musicals, drama and dance to encourage young people to talk about mental health and emotional health issues, peer pressure, bullying, etc.
The rector, the Rev Alan McCann, said: “The teaching was all grounded in Scripture on being made in the image of God (Ps139), and how Christ’s death on the cross redeems us and how that is worked out in relationship to and with others.”
The Church of Ireland Priorities Fund helped finance this programme.
Last October, Holy Trinity Woodburn hosted a mental health awareness evening for parents and leaders on the topic of self-harm and suicide among young people, with speaker Mark Kernohan from The Big House Ireland.
Enjoying the ‘Musicals that matter’ event at Holy Trinity, Woodburn.
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