The All Saints’, Belfast, Parish group at Castlewellan Castle.
Nearly 180 people from All Saints’ Church, Belfast, descended on Castlewellan Castle, Co Down, on February 21-23, for a weekend of fun and Bible teaching.
The speaker was the Rev William Taylor, rector of St Helen’s, Bishopsgate, central London. Over the course of the weekend, William led the group through John 13–17: Jesus’ final teaching session with his disciples before he went to the cross.
The children’s ministry was led by a terrific team from CEF (Child Evangelism Fellowship), and the teens were taught by Matthew Topley (Church of Ireland ordinand) and his wife Erin (Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh Diocesan Youth Worker).
All Saints’, Belfast, is comprised of two congregations: The 11am all-age congregation and the 7.30pm ‘UniChurch’ members. The weekend away provided an opportunity for the two congregations to spend time together, growing both in their knowledge and love of the Lord Jesus, and in friendship and fellowship.
Amanda, a fashion designer, wrote: “The weekend both inspired and challenged me in a great way through the Bible teachings and discussions with my peers.
“I loved having the opportunity to grow in friendship and community with both the old and the young generations of our church congregation.”
Matthew, a music student, reflected: “I really enjoyed the weekend. It was great to spend time with friends, and also to meet others in the congregation and get to know them too.
“I was also really encouraged by William Taylor’s teaching. It was great to be reminded from John to spend time in God’s Word and to trust him in producing fruit in our lives.”
Evelyn, a retired teacher, said: “As an older member of the congregation, and one who has been on ‘The Way’ for many years, I found William’s talks most refreshing. As he opened God’s Word, we were enlightened as to who Jesus is, why he came, what our response should be, and how we should live a godly life.
“I enjoyed the friendship and fellowship, especially of so many young people, eager to learn more of the good news of Jesus Christ.”
All Saints’ Parish gives great thanks to God for a wonderful weekend together. “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” John 15:12
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