Clergy move services to social media

Friday March 20th 2020

The Rev Philip Benson broadcasting on Facebook to parishioners in Kilwaughter and Cairncastle with All Saints, Craigyhill.

Clergy in Connor Diocese have been very quick to respond to Bishop-designate George Davison’s St Patrick’s Day announcement of suspension of church services due to coronavirus.

To ensure their parishioners do not miss out on worship opportunities, and to keep people connected and reduce a sense of isolation, many have already produced videos and podcasts to share on social media.

And no doubt others are brushing up their internet skills to do the same.

This, of course, is nothing new. Many of our parishes have been live streaming or sharing services online for some time.

There is some helpful advice about streaming services on social media, and sharing videos etc to Facebook, available for download on the Connor website at present.

A scroll through Facebook gives an indication of what some parishes are up to, although this is certainly not a comprehensive list. Apologies to those who have been missed – drop an email to and we will rectify that in due course.


Ballymoney Parish

Services on YouTube eg Sunday March 29 –

The Grouped Parishes Craigs, Dunaghy & Killagan

Curate-in-charge the Rev Adrian Halligan is uploading daily reflections, mid-week and Sunday services and talks for the children onto the parish Facebook page.

All Saints Parish Church, Antrim

All Saints’ Parish has been streaming services online for some time via the website This Sunday they will be streaming a service for Mothering Sunday at 11.30am and a service of wholeness and healing at 6.30pm.  You will also find Morning Prayer Live every day at 9am.

The Rev Dr Alan McCann prepares to record a video to share with parishioners in Holy Trinity Woodburn.

Holy Trinity Church, Woodburn, Carrickfergus

New videos of services including introductory video by the rector.

Kilbride Parish Church

YouTube video for Mothering Sunday and future Sunday. Visit

The United Parish of Christ Church & St John’s

Virtual staff meetings via Zoom
Podcast at

Lisburn Cathedral

Facebook message from Dean; live service streaming and Zoom house group meetings.

Carnmoney Parish Church.

Video message from the rector.

St. Columba’s Derryvolgie

Video recording being set up.

Glenavy Parish

Covid-19 Response Group (seem Hello Neighbour image to the right).

Parish of Kilwaughter and Cairncastle with All Saints Craigyhill

Video worship by the rector including Compline, Evening Prayer, Late Evening Office. Sunday School story video.

All Saints COI Loughguile

You Tube channel for live worship from St Patrick’s, Armoy on Sunday morning.

Ballymena Parish

Video messages from the rector and parish youth and children’s officers

St Bartholomew’s Stranmillis

Video prayers by the rector.

Christ Church Parish Lisburn

Will be broadcasting on Sunday at 10.30am and then 11.30am on this LINK. (Not yet available).

Church of the Holy Spirit, Mossley

Rector has shared a video reflection on Psalm 23.
Prayer booklet to help us structure prayer life in coming days and week.

Muckamore Killead Gartree

A message from the rector.

All Saints’ Eglantine

Posting services on its Facebook page.

Broomhedge Church of Ireland

Video of Canon Peter Galbriath’s talk for Mothering Sunday on the Parish Facebook page.


Many others are sharing written prayers and messages of support from clergy. If you are on Facebook, and are concerned about missing out on the opportunity to worship and pray, check out your parish page, or some of those mentioned above.

Also consider the Daily Worship App.

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