Church Army Evangelist Stephen Whitten, from the North Belfast Centre of Mission, at work in the community garden (before coronavirus restrictions).
So much of what we do, not only in Church, but in our lives, is either on hold or being done differently in these strange days as we unite to combat Covid-19.
Just before the restrictions imposed as a result of coronavirus really racked up, the North Belfast Centre of Mission issued a newsletter, outlining the vital work that Connor’s Church Army Evangelists Karen Webb and Stephen Whitten are doing at Connect Base.
This is Connect Base’s fourth year in Shankill Road, and a number of ministries are run from the centre. They include Baby Basics which supports new parents and their babies; an after-school drop-in in Ardoyne; the Transforming Lives for Good (TLG) mentoring project which is working with pupils from two different schools, and a community garden.
Download the North Belfast Centre of Mission Newsletter (February 2020), and enjoy reading the good news.
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