The children’s activity packs put together by ‘THRIVE Youth & Children’s Ministry.’
St Michael, Stephen and St Luke’s Parish, Belfast, has put together lots of ‘THRIVE Youth & Children’s Ministry’ Fun Activity Packs.
These are crammed with all sorts of jokes, puzzles, scavenger hunt, Bible challenges, an Easter competition, crafts, experiments, a story from ‘Play it by Ear’ drama group and more!
The packs are being distributed to children who normally attend the parish afterschool clubs, Church Lads’ & Church Girls’ Brigade and Sunday School.
The local PSNI neighbourhood team has been helping with the distribution of the activity packs.
Heather Carson, parish development officer, said: “We work closely with the neighbourhood team, and John and Jenny from the team are out and about in the community checking that people are safe and well and at the same time dropping off some of our kids’ activity packs.”
John from the PSNI neighbourhood team collecting packs for distribution from minister-in-charge, the Rev Canon James Carson.
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