A prayer walk that doesn’t involve any walking! That might sound attractive to some, but it is in fact the North Belfast Prayer Walk’s way of keeping going during the coronavirus crisis.
Organiser Stephen Whitten, Evangelist with the North Belfast Centre of Mission, explained that the April Prayer Walk on Monday April 6 was due to get underway after prayers at St Peter’s Cathedral, Falls Road.
“For obvious reasons that isn’t going to happen,” Stephen said. “However, I thought it might be a good idea to try and meet together anyway to spend some time in prayer for the area and the wider situation.”
Stephen has proposed that anyone interested in taking part in this prayer (talk!) should join the conversation online via the ‘Zoom’ programme.
“Once you have downloaded Zoom all you need to do is to copy this URL into your browser (https://zoom.us/j/444948318) to join the meeting,” Stephen said.
“It is at our usual time of 7.30pm and will last for 40 minutes. You will need a computer or laptop, etc with a webcam to join and we will spend some time chatting and praying together. It will be very informal and there may well be some technical issues but let’s give it a go anyway!”
Stephen added: “Unfortunately they haven’t invented a way to send cups of tea over the internet yet so you will have to provide your own!”
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