The Rev Clifford Skillen with Bishop Alan Abernethy at the Thanksgiving Service last December prior to the bishop’s retirement.
The Rev Clifford Skillen has retired from his position as the Bishop of Connor’s Senior Domestic Chaplain. He had served in that capacity throughout the entire 12 years of Bishop Alan Abernethy’s episcopacy, having been appointed by Bishop Alan shortly after he became bishop in 2007.
Clifford said: “It was always my intention to step down when Bishop Alan retired – and prior to the diocese entering a new era under a new bishop – though I didn’t anticipate it would be quite so soon or in such unfortunate circumstances as Bishop Alan’s ill health.
“It has been a great personal privilege – and also hugely enjoyable – not only to have served Bishop Alan and the diocese in this position throughout all of his episcopacy, but also to have been able to play even a small part, especially in institution and ordination services which marked very special occasions in the life of parishes and the ministry of diocesan colleagues.
“I would like to thank Bishop Alan for placing his trust in me and to wish both him and Liz a long and happy retirement. I would also like to wish Bishop-designate George every blessing for the future.
“I am also very grateful to the members of the chaplaincy team – the Revs John Anderson, Paul Jack, John McClure and Tracey McRoberts – for their availability and willing assistance if and when the need arose.”
Bishop-designate George said: “The diocese owes a great debt of gratitude to Clifford for his faithful support of Bishop Alan at so many public occasions in the life of the diocese.
“As he retires from this role I, and I’m sure all of us, offer him our sincere thanks and wish him God’s blessing in the years ahead.”
The Rev Clifford Skillen with Bishop Alan Abernethy at one of the many services Clifford attended as the bishop’s senior domestic chaplain.
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