The Church of Ireland Press Office is advising of a current scam that involves the fraudulent doorstep collection of Freewill Offering envelopes.
If anyone calls to your house asking for weekly church envelopes, you are advised not give anything to them. Tell them you will check with your minister. Please also make sure to report anything suspicious to the police.
Older, vulnerable people are particularly susceptible to scams, as well as those who are very trusting and easily persuaded to take a risk.
Please keep an eye on your elderly relatives and gently enquire about the phone calls they have been receiving and any strangers arriving at their door.
Scams are when criminals use lies and deceit to fool you into parting with your cash. You usually get nothing in return and lose your money. As scams are getting more sophisticated and difficult to spot, it’s important to know what to look for.
The Church of Ireland website highlights how parishes across the island of Ireland can tackle scams and encourage people to report them if they have been affected. You can find out more HERE.
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