The Rev Dr Alan McCann leading the assembly for the P7 pupils of Woodburn Primary School.
The Rev Dr Alan McCann went back to school this week, virtually speaking, to lead the annual P7 leavers’ assembly at Woodburn Primary School.
For the first time ever, the rector of Holy Trinity Parish Church, Woodburn, Carrickfergus, recorded a school assembly on video.
“Every year I buy the P7 class chocolate cake to celebrate their last assembly with me,” Alan said. “As I have been in Carrickfergus 27 years, this is the third set of children I have seen right through primary school.
“This year we are also going to do a socially distancing handing out of cupcakes on Friday June 26 at the school, so the children do not miss out. I will be praying for good weather that morning!”
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