Summer Madness will look a bit different for our young people this year as the Connor sub camp moves online!
Sad to be missing the Summer Madness Festival at Glenarm this year? Engage Connor Youth has announced something to cheer everyone up – the Summer Madness Connor sub camp online will take place from next Friday!
Like so many events, the Summer Madness festival, an annual highlight in the youth calendar which connects so many youth groups from across the diocese, was cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic.
But Connor Youth Council has been working away to pull together some favourite things about Summer Madness and bring them to young people in Connor’s parishes through social media.
Diocesan Youth Officer Christina Baillie said: “These range from sub camp shout outs from Summer Madness celebrities, challenges for you do to at home, stories from some of our favourite people from Connor, and throwbacks to Connor sub camp over the years.
“In addition, we are pleased to be hosting our own Online Bishop’s BBQ on Sunday June 28 at 6pm. This will be broadcast on Engage Connor Youth Facebook live.”
From Friday June 26 until Tuesday June 30 (the dates the Summer Madness Festival was scheduled to take place), Engage Connor Youth will be sharing some Summer Madness Sub Camp joy across our Facebook and Instagram!
“We would encourage parishes and leaders to make sure they are following Engage Connor Youth on Facebook and Instagram so they don’t miss out and are able to share the content with the young people in their parishes,” Christina added.
If you have any questions, please contact Christina on
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