Photo by Taylor Wilcox on Unsplash.
The Church of Ireland’s Board of Education (Northern Ireland) is encouraging members of the Church to respond to a short questionnaire on the post-primary transfer procedure, published by the Northern Ireland Assembly’s Education Committee.
The survey – which is available at – only takes five minutes to complete and the Board would encourage as many people as possible to take part.
“Education is facing challenging times ahead and I encourage you to pray for all the children and staff returning in the next few weeks,” Dr Peter Hamill, Secretary to the Board, added. “For many children, school is the only place they encounter Christianity, and never has there been a more vital time when Christians can witness the love of God to young people.”
A recent meeting between the Chair of the Education Committee, Chris Lyttle MLA, and the Transferor Representatives’ Council – representing the Church of Ireland, the Presbyterian Church, and the Methodist Church – included a discussion on the impact of the pandemic on schools, and particularly the emotional and social impact on the incoming P7 class.
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