Connor Diocesan Youth Officer Christina Baillie.
Christina Baillie, Connor Diocesan Youth Officer, has released the first in a series of videos entitled POSSIBLE.
These videos will be shared to highlight what can be done to continue to engage with young people in our parishes. You can watch the first video on the Engage Connor Youth Facebook page.
Christina explained: “I have found many of us who seek to connect with young people feel overwhelmed at the moment. Many of us want to support young people in their discipleship, but don’t know where to start.
“I wanted to showcase some of the good practice from parishes in our diocese and from other churches. My hope is that this encourages us to try something! It might seem very simple but could make a huge impact to the young people.”
The first video shares an example of young people gathering in Ballymacash Parish, Lisburn, and planned youth small groups in the United Parish of Ballynure & Ballyeaston. In addition there are suggestions for how parishes might engage young people in Sunday services.
The POSSIBLE videos will be released regularly, offering ideas and good practice.
If you have any questions or would like to speak to Christina about youth work in your parish, please contact her on
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