Pictured before the Service of Ordination of Priests on Sunday September 20 are, from left: The Rev Louise Bowes; the Rev Anne Locke; Bishop George Davison; the Rev Adrian Bell and the Rev Heather Cooke.
Four new priests were ordained for Connor Diocese by the Rt Rev George Davison on Sunday September 20 at a service in St Patrick’s, Ballymena.
Due to Covid-19 restrictions, the service was attended by a limited number of invited guests only. A full video of the service will be shared in due course. Scroll down for our Photo Gallery.
The Rev Heather Cooke was ordained to serve a curacy in the Parish of Carrickfergus. Heather served her deacon internship in the Parish of St Stephen, St Michael and St Luke.
Three priests were ordained to serve in the Ordained Local Ministry (OLM). The Rev Adrian Bell will serve in the Parish of St Andrew (Glencairn) and the Parish of Whiterock; the Rev Louise Bowes in the Parish of Mossley and the Rev Anne Locke in the Parish of Whitehouse and St Ninian. As Connor’s first OLMs, Adrian, Anne and Louise shared their story with us when they were ordained as deacons last year.
Guests were welcomed to the service by the rector of Ballymena (Kilconriola) and Ballyclug, the Rev Canon Mark McConnell. The preacher was the Rev Peter Jones, Connor Warden of Readers and rector of Mossley Parish.
Masks were worn throughout the service by clergy and the well-spaced out congregation. Congregational hymns were played on the organ and followed by all present, and only bread was served at Communion. A limited number of clergy joined Bishop George in the laying on of the hands.
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