Dr Peter Hamill, Secretary to the Board of Education.
The Church of Ireland’s Board of Education (Northern Ireland) has expressed its appreciation to all principals, governors, teachers and staff for their dedication on the commencement of a new school term in these most difficult and unprecedented times.
The Chair of the Board, Archbishop John McDowell, said: “The fact that all of our schools, in every sector, were ready to welcome back all pupils on the first day of term, required careful planning, enormous effort, and tireless dedication.
“The educational and social well-being of all children have been affected over the last months. The mental health of many families has also come under strain, and amazing efforts of schools to get up and running, in a way that seeks to meet the needs of all pupils, have been admirable.”
The Secretary to the Board, Dr Peter Hamill, commented: “The welfare of children and young people is paramount to the Church. We are acutely aware that many challenges in education still need to be overcome and are concerned, particularly, about the need for more support for children in their P7 year and pupils in post-primary schools who will be preparing for state examinations next year.”
The Board advocates on behalf of the Church of Ireland at levels of education through the Transferor Representatives’ Council, alongside representatives of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland and the Methodist Church in Ireland.
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