A new survey has been launched to examine how British religious communities have adapted to the Covid-19 pandemic and the restrictions it has imposed.
The ‘Social Distance, Digital Congregation: British Ritual Innovation under Covid-19’ initiative is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC).
The project aims to document, analyse, and understand the new ways that religious communities are coming together, and to use those findings to help make religious communities stronger and more resilient for the future.
This survey will build on research done within Anglican communities already (ie the ‘Coronavirus, Church and You’ survey), but the new data will offer new insights into what makes religious gatherings or rituals work best in online (or Covid safe) formats.
Dr Katja Stuerzenhofecker of the BRIC19 team said: “We hope it will also provide an archive of the enormous creativity and resilience of religious communities during these difficult times. We have much to learn from each other and we will be hosting a discussion of our findings at some point next year.”
Click HERE to find out more and take part in the survey.
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