Beverley Lockhart is working her way through a total of 50 runs before her next birthday.
Beverley Lockhart, wife of the Rev David, rector of Larne, Inver, Glynn and Raloo, has taken on an incredible challenge – completing 50 runs before her next big birthday.
Beverley has already clocked up more than 30 runs, having developed an interest in running during the first Covid-19 lockdown last spring, when she completed the Couch to 5k programme.
With an impending birthday and wanting to maintain her fitness, Beverley decided to do ‘50 runs before 50.’ With each run, she is making a donation to the Southern Area Hospice and to St Cedma’s Parish Church Funds.
Beverley said her late father died in Southern Area Hospice in February 2012 and the family was so grateful for the care he received there she wanted to do something to support the hospice.
Although most of fundraising for St Cedma’s new Parish Hall was completed before David and Beverley arrived in Larne, Beverley also wants to make a donation towards the hall fund.
“My runs are mostly along the Coast Road and I am loving the sea view, it’s never the same two days in a row,” Beverley said. “But I am a fair weather runner, so I have been using the treadmill too. I would love to say it’s getting easier but it’s not at the minute – maybe someday!”
Beverley has not been asking for donations, although she has received some. Every time she completes a run, she puts money aside and will divide the total she collects after the 50 runs between the Hospice and Church Funds.
She expressed appreciation for all the encouragement she has received.
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