The Most Rev John McDowell, Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All-Ireland, and the Most Rev Dr Michael Jackson, Archbishop of Dublin, are encouraging members of the Church of Ireland to take the Covid-19 vaccine.
In a statement in support of the Covid-19 vaccination programmes in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, the archbishops say:
“We encourage all Church of Ireland members to take up the opportunity offered by the Covid-19 vaccination programmes currently being rolled out across the island of Ireland.
“We believe, as Christians, that it is our civic obligation and duty to serve others and to love our neighbours as ourselves.
“Vaccination against Covid-19 helps to protect individuals in our communities by preventing and reducing illness and death caused by the virus. In the past, vaccines have made a significant difference in society, and they continue to do so.
“The Covid-19 vaccines are already bringing hope and a possibility of a return to relative normality, and should be made available globally as a priority.”
The archbishops conclude: “The Church of Ireland has, throughout the pandemic, advocated following public health advice from trusted sources, including the Health Service Executive in the Republic of Ireland and Health and Social Care services in Northern Ireland. All who have questions about vaccination are encouraged to consult those sources of information and discuss their questions with health professionals.”
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