You are invited to join a series of Holy Week Services to be shared online each evening at 7.30pm on the Connor diocesan Facebook page.
The services will be led by clergy from around the diocese.
Inviting people to share in the services, the Bishop of Connor, the Rt Rev George Davison, said: “These services offer an online opportunity for people from across the Diocese of Connor to share together in thought, worship and prayer as we once again mark the significant events of Holy Week.
“If you’re not already joining in worship provided locally in your own parish, I’d love to encourage you to join us in these diocesan services – each with its own style and offering us an insight of worship in different settings.”
Bishop George continued: “I’m grateful to those who have agreed to share their worship with us.
“May it help each one of us to remember all that Jesus suffered so that we might be forgiven and prepare ourselves for the great celebration of God’s new life at Easter.”
The schedule of services is as follows:
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