Some of the participants in the Council for Mission webinar.
By the Rev Cliff Jeffers
The Church of Ireland Council for Mission held a webinar using Zoom on Thursday June 3 on the theme of ‘Online Church – Practical Lessons from the Frontline.’
To facilitate anyone who was not able to attend, a video of the webinar is now available on the Council’s public Facebook page (which can be viewed by anyone) at the following link:
The guest speaker was Dr Nick Shepherd from Church of England Digital Labs, who led us through some practical theology of online church.
Three different Church of Ireland rectors gave examples of livestreaming from different churches on the island of Ireland, each using different technologies.
There were over 50 participants in the webinar who were representative of most dioceses from around the Church. They had the choice of attending one of the three breakout groups which were led by the rectors from the example parishes.
The participants had an opportunity to follow-up on the presentations and ask further questions. Videos of two of the three break-out groups are also available to view and can be found on the Council for Mission Facebook page.
The Very Rev Tim Wright, Chairperson of the Church of Ireland Council for Mission, said: “I hope that this webinar will be useful for anyone who is contemplating their digital outreach potential and is planning an online presence in the future.”
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