The Rev Dr Andrew Campbell and his wife Allison.
Congratulations to the Rev Dr Andrew Campbell, rector of Skerry, Rathcavan and Newtowncrommelin, who is to be published in a forthcoming series from WIpf and Stock.
Andrew’s successful proposal will be included in Analyzing Theology, a new series in Analytical and Systematic Theology.
Wipf and Stock is a publisher based in Oregon, USA, specialising in works in theology, biblical studies, history and philosophy.
Analyzing Theology is a series of short (sub-70,000 word) entry-level monographs in Christian theology. The WIpf and Stock website states that the series ‘showcases work in analytic and systematic theology from world-leading scholars.’
It goes on to say: “Monographs in the series are aimed at: (i) introducing cutting-edge analytic and systematic theology, (ii) providing a platform for original contributions in analytic and systematic theology and (iii) connecting questions of theoretical significance to theology with the practices of actual theological communities.”
Other renowned contributors to this series include philosopher Nicholas Wolterstorff and theologian Eleonore Stump.
Andrew’s contribution is an ethical analysis of the current Nonviolent Atonement debate which he says builds upon his doctoral work and recent publications.
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